Woven Life Stories

made to fit you



Our life story services are designed to cater to the needs and motivations of a wide variety of people. All of our packages include the following:

  • Phone/internet interviews

  • Audio recording & transcription of interviews

  • Writing & editing

  • Photo editing

  • Cover & book design

  • Final book orders

We offer 3 standard life story packages that can be booked as is, or customized with any of our additional services:



The Portrait

base price: $2,500

The Portrait package showcases one person’s most cherished moments and stories from life. It is perfect for capturing stories with a common theme or time period, or for those individuals who have a number of cherished stories that they want to preserve for the future. A standard Portrait package includes...

  • 4 hours of interviews with the book’s subject

  • 35 pages of text (7,500 words)

  • 20 photos from life

  • 3 hardcover 6x9” books with an estimated length of 50-60 pages

  • Electronic version of your book


Any occasion (or non-occasion!) where you’d like to create a special memento or gift, or leave a legacy for loved ones.

The Tapestry

BASE PRICE: $4,000

A more extensive form of the Portrait, the Tapestry package captures one person’s life in a comprehensive and thorough fashion. It has the capacity to cover a broad range of stories in great detail, made richer by carefully researched historical background. A standard Tapestry package includes...

  • 6 hours of interviews with the book’s subject

  • 60 pages of text (12,500 words)

  • 30 photos from life

  • 3 hardcover 6x9” books with an estimated length of 75-85 pages

  • Electronic version of your book


Any occasion (or non-occasion!) where you’d like to create a special memento or gift, or leave a legacy for loved ones.

The Mosaic

BASE PRICE: $2,750

The Mosaic package is designed for those life story book visions that include multiple interviewees. It features the favorite stories of two or more people about each other or about a beloved friend or family member. It can be a personal and very unique (surprise) gift for a wedding or anniversary, an important birthday, a celebration of life, or other milestone event that calls for a collective show of love and support. The standard Mosaic package includes...

  • 4 hours of interviews with 2 or more people

  • 35 pages of text (7,500 words)

  • 20 photos from life

  • 3 hardcover 6x9” books with an estimated length of 50-60 pages

  • Electronic version of your book


Anniversaries, birthdays, retirement, weddings—especially those that call for a surprise or collaborative gift.



Additional Services


Personal preference or special circumstances may necessitate in-person interviews for your life story book. If you wish to request in-person interviews that require air travel, or extend beyond total round-trip mileage of 60 miles, we would be happy to discuss pricing options and availability with you.



Rest assured, in case you remember an important anecdote or recollection after the interview phase has concluded, we can still make arrangements to include it in your life story book. We assign a fee of $100 per 15-minute increment of interview time necessary to capturing any stories of this nature. This fee includes all related tasks including transcription, writing, and any subsequent reorganization of the book.



Is there something special you’d like to add to your life story book that we haven’t yet mentioned? We’d love to chat about it in more detail. Don’t be afraid to mention it when you a drop us a line.



Biographies are generally exhaustive in timeline (they cover birth to present/death), more formal and objective in nature, and very heavily researched. A biography will also necessitate interviews with multiple people. If you are looking for this more traditional account of someone’s life, we are open to discussing your biographical needs. Please connect with us to share more details about your vision.


Now you have a better idea of what we do. But the proof is in the puddin’…