Woven Life Stories


About Us


Your life. Your book. Your legacy.

Woven Life Stories writes and prints life story books. We work closely with you to weave your memories together into one unique memoir that can be shared with friends and family today, and for generations yet to come...

A life story book is a versatile memento or gift for both the giver and receiver. It can be a meaningful compilation of stories by and about one person, or a collection of family favorites by and for one person. It could be a way to capture a lifetime of stories for your children, or create a one-of-a-kind gift for a special occasion.

The possibilities are endless. Let us help you fulfill them.


Our Story

Woven Life Stories was inspired by a soft-spoken, endearingly stubborn English teacher who indulged in far too many Peeps every Easter. In an effort to stay in touch with his only granddaughter thousands of miles away, he wrote her religiously at least once a month from the moment she could read. By the time she turned 18 and they finally lived in the same county, the good people of USPS had sorted more than 350 of his letters.

That sweet-toothed correspondent was James Weinstock, and that long-distance grandkid was me.


Like many writers of his generation, my Grandpa Jim was loyal to his IBM Selectric to the very end. He was a simple man with simple pleasures. Yet, his letters wove a nuanced story of life as a loving husband and father, constant gardener, and doting grandparent in a historically agricultural corner of the San Fernando Valley. In the end, his ashes were scattered at sea, but his legacy endured on land. It was exquisitely preserved in those hundreds of pages of Courier typeface, softly punctuated by penciled revisions.

As a mindful person living in earthquake territory, I find I’m often assessing the merit of my possessions. What is valuable enough to compete with the likes of food and water? What creates an abiding sense of home? For me, time and again, my grandfather’s letters have promised that depth of meaning.

Like me, I think many people draw strength from loved ones and their stories. We look to shared sources of origin, history, and humanity to buoy and ground us in the best and worst of life. The only thing that divides us in that instinct is whether or not we know someone with the time and passion to commit them to print. I founded WLS to bridge that divide.

Here at Woven Life Stories, we hope to democratize and immortalize your most cherished memories, so that everyone can enjoy a piece of the past long into the future. Hand to my heart, I truly believe everyone has a story worth writing, sharing, and preserving. It is our mission to show you, one book at a time, through that same craftsmanship in storytelling that my grandfather long showed me.

-Nicole, WLS Founder + Principal Life Writer
