Woven Life Stories

AN overview of

How It Works



We start any new project with a complimentary 15-minute phone call. If we decide we are a good fit for each other, we can begin our work together upon receipt of 50% of the project balance.



You will fill out a customized questionnaire that will provide me with valuable background details surrounding the life story at hand. This step helps us make the most of any upcoming interviews.



The most exciting part! Depending on our agreement, we will schedule interviews on the phone or in person, in one sitting or multiple. The interviewee(s) will be recorded—with permission, of course—and promptly transcribed.


Photos & Cover Design

As we begin drafting your book, we will ask you to provide me with photos that you would like to include alongside our text. We will also design the portal to your book—the cover!


Digital Story Review

After we complete a draft of your book, we will send a digital copy to you for your review and comments. We will make any necessary changes and arrange for a final round of professional proofreading.


Print & Delivery

Upon receipt of the remaining project balance, we will order the final print copies of your life story book. They will be delivered to your doorstep with the greatest of care!


Lingering questions about our process?
Check our Frequently Asked Questions for answers…